Can a Christian musician do Love and Romantic songs? It is not out of place

By Shedy Elisha - August 26, 2018

Over time, the idea of a Christian musician doing or performing love and romantic songs have been a controversial issue.
Infact the Christian community have castigated Christian musicians who have ventured into it and are called "Secular musicians"(what a funny tag), that is not the end. Another side of it is that some Christians think listening to love and romantic music is evil and a total sin and these listeners are called "Wayward ". Well, recently I got a new understanding about the whole issue and I just thought of sharing it with everyone even though it may not be understood by all.
Its important we understand that the word secular means worldly(containing swear or hash words), not spiritual and has nothing to do with religious activities/influence. This means that anything secular or worldly contains vulgar, swear words or coarse language. Well, Contrary to this, My understanding is, its not every love and romantic music that is secular and has Profanity language because not all love and romantic songs contains vulgar and swear words but love lyrics from the scripture. There are hundreds of scriptures in the Bible that talks about love and romance(Proverbs 7:18, Songs of Solomon: 2:2, 3:4, 4:7,  1John 4:18, 3:18, Ephesians 5:25 ) this is just to mention but a few.

Let me make it clear that Love and romance is Biblical and that is why God created it and that's also why Jacob had to serve for Rachel's sake for seven years and it was like few days to him because of Love(Gen:29:20). He instructed the husband and wife to love each other(Ephesians 5:25). Yes! It is God who created Love and romance just like He created sex(sex for married couples). If it wasn't so, the Book of Songs of Solomon wouldn't be among the books of the Bible. God knew that as humans and as Christians we will need such moments and that is why He showed us example by sending Jesus to die for us John3:16. It pains me a lot when I see or hear Christians condemning love and romantic music especially the good love songs done by Christians as if it is totally out of place.
 As long as those love and romantic songs do not contain profanity language, vulgar and swear words, they are not evil.  Talking, teaching and singing love and romance in church and Christian gatherings is totally not out of place since the scripture itself has it.
Its funny that when Christian lovers wants to please their love partners and make them feel romantic, its still the love and romantic songs they sing to their lovers and spouse but they condemn it in public. In fact, I have heard some spirit filled Christian singers do love and romantic songs but in the name of doing it for their wives and mothers. Aren't these songs still "secular"? LOL!

Ok! on a serious note, I want you to understand that I am not encouraging listening and doing songs that preach fornicaton /adultery  and immorality. Those kind of songs are the evil songs and how do you know they are evil? They contain immoral lyrics and vulgar words that stare up immoral acts. I am personally against these kinds. They are the real secular songs and should be discouraged but so long as love songs do not carry evil and vulgar words, Christians can do and listen to them.

As Christians, we need love songs at one point of our lives and I think that's why God gave us the Book of "Songs of Solomon" that can be used as lyrics to edify us and that's the primary aim of our gifts, to edify the church of Christ. Everything we need is in the Bible including love and romance and so it is not evil for a Christian singer filled with the Spirit of God to sing love songs.
Yes! Someone will say Shedy Elisha is now carnal but its the truth.
God knew we will need it sometimes that's why He allowed it(Songs of Solomon and other scriptures) if not it wouldn't be there. King Solomon in the Bible sang love songs and we have the songs in the Bible.

Further more, isn't it better we listen to the undiluted love and romantic songs from our Christian brethren with Lyrics from Songs of Solomon  than from the other side that uses Vulgar, profanity language or swear words? Love and romantic music becomes evil, secular and worldly once they contain the un-Christian words which are vulgar and even morally degrading and spiritually bastardizing that is, without scriptural backing. God has given us all we need as humans and as Christians including good love music lyrics.

My opinion is if God can inspire us to write songs from the scripture to Worship Him(God), to talk about government, unity and other matters patterning humanity then love and romantic songs from Songs of Solomon is not evil and  shouldn't be ignored; its part of the scripture and let our Christian spirit filled musicians use it to write songs to edify lovers and the church of God. I would love to listen to love and romantic songs by my Christian singers so long as they don't contain immoral or Vulgar language  but contain lyrics from the Word of God. If we do not listen to undiluted love and romantic songs from our Christian musicians then the media and society will feed us with vulgar music from immoral musicians consciously or unconsciously which is already happening.
This is my opinion....
Thanks for visiting and reading
I am Shedy Elisha
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